Our custom wine racks in Los Angeles are of the highest quality and built to last if you plan to construct a wine cellar for your home. Whether you have a detailed storage plan or are starting from scratch, Wine Cellar Designers Group can help you create your ideal traditional wine room. Whether your goal is style, display, or maximum storage, we have the perfect wine storage solution to suit your needs. With our help, you can enjoy the perfect storage, style, and display combination in a room tailored to your unique vision.
This custom wine cellar in Los Angeles features traditional wooden wine racks that can store up to 4500+ bottles.
A homeowner in Orange County had a dream of having an excellent wine cellar to store his vast wine bottle collection. Our team was eager to make it happen and created a custom wine room that could hold up to 4,500 bottles – all within the size of a single-car garage. This Los Angeles home cellar had a custom double-deep wooden wine rack, wine barrel flooring, and a quiet but powerful cooling system. This extraordinary project was a great success, and the customer can now enjoy his collection in style and comfort. Our expertise and attention to detail make it possible to achieve incredible results no matter what type of wine cellar you wish to have.
Traditional Custom Wine Racks in Los Angeles with Modern Touches
The custom glass door with the traditional-designed wooden frame provides a peek of the wine racking from outside the cellar.
This wine room has a design with two things in mind: maximum capacity and a beautiful, traditional aesthetic. Moreover, a minimalistic approach was taken with limited lighting and more wooden elements to create a classic look. Even the floor was given special attention, featuring a bright finish from actual wine barrel material flattened inside and out.
These Los Angeles wine racks are custom-crafted from Alder wood with an Early American stain, while the door is also constructed from Alder with the same stain and utilizes an air-tight seal to ensure the humidity is kept in check. A laminated glass door allows a peek at the wine room in all its glory.
The result is a simple yet stunning wine room that meets the client’s needs, who wanted maximum capacity while still keeping the traditional aesthetic intact. Combining traditional elements with modern touches such as the wine barrel flooring, ensures this wine room lasts for years.
Double-Depth Custom Wine Racks Los Angeles for a Million-Dollar Wine Collection
Regarding the best feature of this traditional wine cellar racking system, the bottle capacity is unimaginable. The client wanted a room purely made for storing wine bottles, with a collection worth over a million dollars. This meant that every inch of the storage space was essential, and each part of the wine room had a purpose. 95% of the collection was Burgundy, which required a three-quarter cubicle size for storing. This led to the decision to use a double-depth wine rack system to maximize the Los Angeles custom cellar’s limited space.
These double-depth custom wine racks in Los Angeles allowed the room to store 4,500 bottles instead of the 2,200 that would have been possible with a single depth. This was done by stretching the racks from the floor to the room’s ceiling, with no gaps or unused space. The wine racks were then divided into sections according to the size and kind of wine to make it easier to identify which areas held a particular type of bottle. The lower portion of the wine racks featured cubbyholes built with a specific height, width, and depth, allowing the client a more hands-on approach to his collection.
If you’re a wine connoisseur with specific requirements for your wine room, you can be assured that we’ll meet your conditions. With the double-depth wine rack system, it’s possible to store an impressive number of bottles without needing extra space.
A Ducted-Cooling Unit for a Quiet and Effective Solution for High-Capacity Wine Room
When storing 4,500 bottles of wine, quiet and effective cooling is essential. That’s why we installed a low-profile wine cellar refrigeration unit that stores the bottles at the perfect temperature and a specific humidity level between 60-65 percent. This is important to keep the corks from drying out or aging too quickly. The cooling unit is very quiet and hidden in plain sight, with only a grille in the room to indicate it is there. Meanwhile, the loud condenser operates outside, ensuring the noise does not reach the wine room. All in all, this makes for a quiet and effective cooling solution for anyone who likes to store and drink wine.
The cooling unit is connected to a condenser outside the garage to achieve the desired temperature. This condenser is in charge of removing heat from the inside and is responsible for maintaining the ideal temperature. The unit also has a coil that bridges to the condenser and a ducting system that ensures the air constantly circulates throughout the wine room. By utilizing this system, we can rest assured that the bottles of wine are effectively and quietly cool.
A suitable cooling unit is essential for storing and drinking quality wine. Our chosen cooling unit guarantees all bottles are stored in the best conditions, and that noise from the condenser is minimal. This ensures our client can enjoy their wine collection without dealing with loud and intrusive cooling systems.
Crafting Your Dream Wine Storage System with Wine Cellars Designers Group
Our WCDG members of experienced professionals are here to help build dream wine cellars with custom wine racks for Los Angeles homes to life. From the initial construction design to the final installation, we are here for every step of the process. We are committed to helping our clients create the perfect storage solution for their treasured wine collection.
At Wine Cellars Designers Group, we take pride in our unique works of art. We understand the importance of meeting our client’s needs and exceeding their expectations, so we are dedicated to providing them with the highest customer satisfaction.
If you want to build your custom wine storage system, don’t hesitate to contact us. Call us at +1 (702) 475-5399, or click here to request a free quote. We look forward to hearing from you!